
  • Sharpen/blur (to be honest, I don't know why blur would be needed...).
  • By moving the controls, I literally in half a minute, it seems to me, improved the look of the picture (on the left is the “Before” picture, on the right is “After”):

    Naturally, the program allows you to crop a photo. To do this, take the selection tool (rectangle), mark the desired area and give the command Tools –> Crop:

    You can reduce a photo for posting on a website or sending it by mail by opening the size settings panel:

    Here we choose one of the standard formats or specify the one we need. You can also specify what permission will be written in the file.

    Perhaps the listed set of funds in many cases will be more than enough. But here's something else...

    First, although we can zoom in and out of the entire photo, sometimes it's convenient to view a part of it. To do this, there is a “Magnifier” in the Viewer. It can be instantly turned on (and off) by pressing the "`" key (it is located between the left Shift and Z). But English layout must be selected- it won't work in Russian.

    The second is special selection tools. We select them from the drop-down menu of the toolbar:

    "Smart Lasso" allows you to select an object with a sufficiently contrasting border, if - not even too carefully - you pass over it. But even more interesting is the Transparency Function. Its principle is similar to the "magic wand" in graphic editors. But the implementation is much more convenient. By “dragging” the mouse with the button pressed over the surface of approximately the same shade, we see in real time how the selected part of the image changes.

    Here is such a system program View! And you still ask why I like Mac OS X? 😉

    Almost all users who have migrated from Windows to macOS look with bewilderment at the standard photo viewing options. After all, here you can’t just open and scroll through the images - everywhere there are some incomprehensible nuances. In this article, we will talk about how to properly work with navigation when viewing images using regular macOS tools, and also offer several options from third-party developers.

    In general, as conceived by the developers from Apple, we should all use the Photos application. But you, just like the rest of the majority, may simply not understand why you need to constantly import something somewhere, create separate albums and at the same time run a separate application, if everything can be viewed in Explorer, where the files are sorted into folders by hand.

    Quick View, Preview and Finder

    Opening an image in Finder launches the Preview application. Scrolling through the photos with arrows in this way will not work. There are two options for getting out of the situation:

    1) Select all images in the Finder (use the shortcut Command (⌘) + A) and press the space bar on your keyboard. You probably know that the space bar launches the Quick View application, which allows you to view almost any file without launching specialized programs with which they are associated. In the "Quick view" you can switch photos with arrows.

    And if you press the Command (⌘) + Enter (Return) key combination in the Quick View mode, you can open a preview of all selected images for quick navigation and switching between them.

    2) Select all or required images for viewing and start slideshow mode. To do this, hold the Alt (Option ⎇) key and open the menu File → Object Slide Show ... or just remember the keyboard shortcut Command (⌘) + Alt (Option ⎇) + Y. If you want to manually switch images, then just pause the slideshow and use the arrows on your keyboard or trackpad.

    And there is also a very convenient option "Index-list" (an icon with squares). By clicking on it, you can see a grid of all images and quickly find and switch to the required one.

    If all the described methods of solving the issue of viewing images with regular means seem too complicated for you, we suggest downloading and enjoying software from third-party developers.

    lily view

    An ultra-simple and minimalistic program that copes with viewing at 100%. Just associate all the image formats in it and by double clicking on any photo in the folder you can either use the arrows or use the trackpad to navigate.

    Many will like the fact that all interface elements are hidden and the image opens almost to the full screen (like QuickTime opens a video). An additional menu with information can be viewed by moving the cursor to the right edge of the window. You'll also enjoy rotating or zooming photos with trackpad gestures.

    LilyView even opens GIF animation without any problems. And there is also a built-in utility for controlling Philips HUE smart bulbs.


    Another high-quality viewer for macOS. Simple, clear, compact and quite easy to use. There are also no functions for editing images (except for the possibility of crop), but there is Russian localization. The developers provide the right for a month for free, and only then they will offer to buy a license (299 rubles).


    Not much different from Hee image viewer. The main advantage is that it is free and has a wide range of tools for customizing the program to suit your needs. Very fast and convenient.

    Download JustLooking (official website of the developer).

    Be sure to tell us about your favorite programs or ways to view images on Mac in the comments.

    According to yablyk

    Judging by the reviews on the Internet, the topic is quite relevant and many people ask what to look at photos / pictures. Especially in the environment. Of course, this is provided that you are not satisfied with "native".

    How not to twist, but software much less for her than for . After collecting a little information, I got 10 apps for Mac OS X to view photos. All are free, although there are many more. As before, programs that did not work or worked very poorly were not taken into account. One more moment. I am not an expert and not a professional tester, so the criteria and view described by me belong to an ordinary user who evaluated the appearance, convenience, features, speed and non-buggy. All programs have a full screen mode, all support cursor keys when viewing. If there were any interesting moments for me, I noticed them. Therefore, all the information below is for thought only. Screenshots of the programs are attached, so it's up to each individual to decide.

    As for the resources of the Mac OS itself, they can often be enough. In addition to Preview, you can quickly start a slide show directly in . Select a group of photos, press Alt and the eye icon on the toolbar changes its appearance.

    If you press it, full screen mode the slide show will start. These are system resources. If you need more, read on.

    So that no one is offended, the programs will go in alphabetical order.

    A fairly simple application, with a normal speed without much braking. The owners of the Apple Remote will like it, as the developer claims full support for this. Of the unpleasant moments, the slide show does not always work (only when the first photo in the list is selected). And in the settings you can change the interval for changing photos during the slideshow, but there was no difference between 5 and 2 seconds. Of course, this speed also depends on the resources of the computer, but on my e the speed of changing images did not change under different operating modes of the system.

    As you can see, if the photo was taken by a device that supports GPS metadata, you can view them in Google Map.

    Those who like to look at the details of a photo under a magnifying glass will like it, since such a function is present there. It will be a great solution for a non-pretentious user. Enough simple program, works fast, with support for basic functions. Shortcuts can be assigned to launch individual functions.

    Another option for a normally working photo browser. Works mostly flawlessly, but the slideshow feature has a life of its own. In the settings there is an auto-detection of the screen (number and resolution). Judging by this, it can be assumed that viewing is possible on multiple monitors.

    A program with a convenient and pleasant interface. Large buttons, intuitive and all the necessary functions. There are different viewing modes, you can choose the format of the displayed file. But the top left button (Move file to the Trash) is better not to press. The program ends its work, that is, a quick and merciless crush comes.

    Fully corresponds to its name. Slides are just slides. All popular functions for rescaling and rotating images are present. By default, a window with EXIF ​​data opens. Useful for analyzing and comparing photo resources (for those who understand them). Works quickly and without problems.

    For now, I'll stop there. To be continued in the coming hours.

    If you can, do not offer other programs yet and wait until the second part (suddenly they are just there 😉). At the same time, comments on those already described are welcome.

    To view photos on a MAC, you need to use a standard program designed for this, or download another one. We will look at some of the most convenient ways to view images.

    1. Standard image viewer

    Any computer with the MAC operating system has a standard program - an image viewer.

    To use it, do this:

    • Open the folder with pictures in the Finder and select all the ones you want to display. If you want to see everything, just press the "Command" and "A" buttons on your keyboard at the same time.
    • Press the space bar. After that, the pictures will be displayed in the standard application. You can scroll through the pictures using the arrow buttons.

    • If you press "Command" and "Enter", you can see the promo of all the selected photos. This is shown in Figure #2.

    • You can also start a slideshow if you press three buttons at the same time: "Command", "Alt" and "Y".

    As you can see, even the standard viewer allows you to quickly view and run slideshows. But there are a number of applications that provide even more options.

    2. Cocoa slide show

    A fairly simple program that allows you to run slideshows with the interval and speed of displaying pictures. The speed of the program is quite good, even on older versions of MAC OS.

    Interestingly, CocoaSlideShow will work for the Apple Remote.

    At the top are all the necessary buttons. They allow you to add files to the collection for display, put labels, rotate left and right, or delete an image.

    Also, if there is metadata in the file description, they can be displayed in Google Map. But the main thing is that CocoaSlideShow allows you to convenient viewing photos.


    This program Made in a minimalist style and has absolutely nothing superfluous. However, for some users, the FFView functionality is still not enough.

    Here you can add photos to the collection for further display, remove them from there or clear the library.

    Also, users have the opportunity to view the description and some data about the picture. But the most interesting thing is that FFView has a magnifying glass feature. This is a very interesting thing that allows you to see the smallest details of the image.

    4. Just looking

    The JustLooking program fully corresponds to its name. In it, in fact, there is only a function for viewing pictures and nothing more. True, the pictures here can be rotated to the right and left, as well as enlarged and reduced, which is important.

    Users can also edit the picture library, run slideshows and simply scroll through the pictures in the collection. This application is very suitable for children, the elderly and users with poor eyesight. The fact is that all the buttons here are large and intuitive.

    5 Phoenix Slides

    And this is already a much more functional program than all the previous ones. But it fits only professional photographers and people who work in the field of image processing.

    The fact is that Phoenix Slides allows you to view a variety of data about a particular picture. So you can see its resolution, light source, aperture that was used when shooting, size and much more. When viewing, you can zoom and rotate pictures.

    Choose the program that you like the most!

    Among the important and necessary programs for comfortable work on a computer, utilities for viewing photos should definitely be included. If you have a lot of photos and images on your hard drive, then such applications will be indispensable. After all, with their help, you can sort pictures, arrange them in a certain format, edit and perform a huge number of other useful actions. It is pleasant to note that many different photo viewers have been developed, and even users operating system Mac OS X will not be left out. Indeed, for this OS, you can also download the most interesting and useful utilities that quickly and efficiently perform their functions. So, if you need software for viewing photos on the Mac OS X operating system, then this article is for you.

    In principle, the system boasts standard viewer, however, it is far from the best representatives of this category of applications. For example, you can recall a program such as Xee. The software is distinguished by a large number of settings, beautiful graphic design, and functionality. You can control the application with the mouse or with the keys quick access, which can be set in the Hee options.

    Photos can be flipped, enlarged, reduced, if necessary, you can run an additional application for printing pictures. The program opens on Mac OS quickly even large files. In general, which will cause you the most pleasant emotions.

    A useful photo viewer for Mac Os for free
    Let's move on to the JustLooking utility, which is also distributed for the operating Mac systems on a free basis. it useful program for beginners, because there are all the most necessary functions, while there are no extra and unnecessary options that would only interfere with communication with the software. The utility interface is made in the style of products from Apple. All buttons are made very beautifully and stylishly, their location is very good, due to which the speed of working with JustLooking increases. You can turn on the normal viewing of photos, if you wish, you can start a slide show so that the images are flipped automatically. The only downside, according to some Mac OS X users, is the lack of an editor. But if you need an app solely for viewing photos, then JustLooking is more than suitable.

    The last program of our review is known to everyone since the days of Windows ACDSee. Downloading this software for the Mac system is very simple, because its size is small, while the license is free. As before, the utility boasts a wonderful appearance, as well as great functionality. Very high quality software without negative sides.